3 Stages Of Mentoring
Stage 1
Equip learners with the skills to develop, containerize, and deploy cloud-native applications using Java, Spring Boot, Docker, and Kubernetes. The curriculum is highly practical yet concise, ensuring that mentees gain valuable experience without feeling overwhelmed.
Fundamental of Programming
Control Flow Statements
Object Oriented Programming
Collection and Generics
Exception Handling
Building Cloud Native Application
Spring Framework introduction
Webservice API development
Creating microservices
Install Kubernetes on local
Deploying Cloud Native Application
Deploy application to Kubernetes
Using helmchart to deploy application
Basic application monitoring
Stage 2
Make yourself ready for technical interviews and how to get an attractive CV even when you have no real experience in software development.
Prepare your CV
Make your CV looks attractive
Technical Interview
Algorithm style interview question
Whiteboard style interview
System design interview
Present your answer in a engineering way
Stay Positive
Rejection is not that hard to deal with
Stay positive
Stage 3
Strengthen your knowledge with intensive topics such as networking, databases, architecture design, and testing. Don't worry; mentors will integrate these concepts with your daily tasks, helping you quickly understand how they work together.
Load balancer, latency and bandwidth
Relational database concepts
NoSQL databases
Architecture Design
Multilayers architecture
Microservice architecture
Monitoring and Observability
Application's insight
Visualize application's insight
Performance and Optimization
Measure applications' performance
Applications' peformance tuning
Advanced unit testing
Integration testing
Automation testing
Working in a software project
Software development team's structure
Lifecycle of a software project
Make use of collaboration tools such as JIRA, Confluence
Version control: Git
Documentation: UML, Presentation